Do you really have oily skin, dry skin or combination? If
your answer is “not sure” or “I don’t know.” Then this article is for you. I
will be discussing on how to know your skin type. I will explain each and every
skin type and their descriptions so it would be easier for you to analyze your
skin. Do a self-test now this is important so you would know what type of skin
care do you need.
Step 1: Analyze First
Skin Test Guide:
Look at your clean, unmoisturized face in the
mirror. Is the overall texture dry, oily or smooth?
How does your skin feel after washing it using
your current facial wash?
Skin Type: Normal
Smooth and even with small pores
Your cheeks are the driest part of your face but
not excessively
You are experiencing some shine and larger pores
around the forehead, nose or chin
Skin Type: Dry
Feels tight after washing
Dry and Flaky
Feels rough and uneven
Small pores almost invisible
Fine lines are shown faster
*If you feel tightness through the forehead, it is an
indication of dry skin.
Skin Type: Oily
Skin is shinny most especially through the
forehead, nose and chin which we call T-zone.
May have large and visible pores
Frequent breakouts
Skin Type: Combination Skin
T-zone is oily
Dry cheeks or spot dehydration
Pores are lager on the forehead, nose and chin
Skin Type: Sensitive Skin
It can range from dry to oily
Easily irritated by cosmetics, moisturizers and
Prone to redness
Itchy or blotchy
Now that we know all the different skin types lets proceed
to step 2 that is skin care.
Step 2: Skin Care to each Skin Type
Skin Type: Normal
Normal skin needs a daily routine cleansing with a foaming,
cleanser, exfoliation twice a week, a moisturization and use of a sunscreen to
keep it healthy. Stick to diet that is rich in vitamins A, C and E to maintain
your soft and smooth skin. Keep yourself hydrated it is important in
detoxifying your body.
Skin Type: Dry
This skin type requires a special care. Use richer cleansers,
limit yourself from sun exposure and use a good moisturizer that can protect
your skin’s natural oils. Layering moisturizers can do wonder. Start with
lightweight then layer a richer cream. Use of night creams helps remove the dry
skin most especially with Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA). It removes dead skin while
moisturizing new skin cell.
Skin Type: Oily
Prevention of breakouts requires a healthy diet and a
regular skin care regimen.
You should cleanse your face at least twice a day to prevent
dirt accumulation and to keep your pores open. Alcohol-free astringent must be
used to remove excess oil. Your moisturizer should be oil-free to prevent your
skin from over drying.
Skin Type: Combination
Start investing on two separate products for dry and oily
skin. Regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing for the oily areas while use a
milder cleanser and denser moisturizer for the dry areas. Look for moisturizer
with AHA it is best for this type of skin.
Skin Type: Sensitive
People who have sensitive skin are an avid fan of
hypoallergenic products such aveeno, VMV hypoallergenics and other baby
products. This skin type requires mild, nonperfumed cleansing products. For
toners, alcohol-free toner that are formulated for sensitive skin are best to
be used. Also, use cleaners and moisturizers that specially formulated for this
skin type.
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