Thursday, August 1, 2013

I introduce you to Basic Skin care!

Before buying the most expensive anti-aging cream, are you aware that your food choices can affect your skin? There are factors that can affect your skin. You should remember that understanding the basic about skin care that would help you maintain a glowing and healthy skin. I really believe that skin care products such as moisturizers can only make your skin healthy outside but I believe that healthy skin can’t be achieved if we don’t know the very basic skin care which is making it healthy inside. This entry will help you understand that skin care doesn’t always have to be based on all those beauty products you see in the market. Basically, it starts on your lifestyle and food choices.

Mind your Lifestyle:
If you live a healthy lifestyle that includes eating right and exercise you’ll be on your way on having a beautiful skin, but heredity may determine how your skin looks, behave and ages, you can improve it by taking care of yourself. You should learn to protect your skin from the sun, limit your alcohol intake and stop smoking. Drinking at least 8 glass of water and getting enough sleep are one of the few basic skin care.

Eat right:
Making your skin healthy comes along if you begin with good nutrition. The growth of new cells is dependent on vitamins, minerals, and hydration. That is why glutathione users needs a booster such as vitamin C because it helps the growth of new cells that are more dependent on vitamins and hydration.

You should have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables, if your taking oral glutathione it is better if you really include fruits and vegetables to your diet. Always keep in mind to look for ACE vitamins: A to help prevent aging, C to promote skin clarity, and E to protect your skin against the environment. Vitamins A and C are most important and they are found on fruits and vegetables. Carrots, broccoli, oranges, sweet potatoes, spinach and melons are good source of vitamin A. While vitamin C can be found in strawberries, peppers, leafy green vegetables, grapes, guavas and papayas. Whole grain foods, fish and dairy should also be included on your diet because they are rich in zinc, which promotes healing and reduces inflammation in the body.

Biotin is sometimes identified as Vitamin H which is part of B complex which is needed to make your skin, hair and nails healthy. It can also prevent hair loss. Biotin can be found in peanut butter, whole grains and eggs.

Whether you are an oral glutathione user or not always keep this in mind:

Vitamin A
- is an antioxidant that is essential for the growth and renewal of new skin cells.

Vitamin B
-       it helps in promoting skin exfoliation and firmness.

Vitamin C
-       helps in building collagen, a protein that gives skin its structure, tone and elasticity.

Sleep is important:

Sleep is very important during this time, this is where are body’s cells have the chance to be repaired and be rejuvenated. Lack of sleep stresses all your body’s system including the skin as a result your skin becomes more prone to acne breakouts.

Too much sun is bad:

Yes, sun is a good source of vitamin D but overexposure is harmful. Too much exposure can cause pigmentation, premature aging and skin cancer. Staying under the sun? Protect yourself, wear a sunblock or sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 in the winter and 30 during the summer.

Remember a beautiful skin starts with a healthy skin. Make your skin healthier as a basic foundation of your skin. What you’ve read are the basic of skin care. Eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle and you’ll be amaze with result.

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